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Turn the Office Back On
During the pandemic, people started working from home.
The office went dark.
Now, people are making their way back to the office.
The lights are on.
There’s a buzz.
A vibe.
An energy.
The Office Is Lit!
Flex Your Floorplan
As we transition from home back to the office, we need to embrace this unprecedented opportunity for transformation – with the office strategically designed to renew confidence through spaces that offer maximum flexibility, safety and productivity … spaces that are lit.

Reconfigure It
Using the same kit of parts, you can easily reconfigure these flexible floorplans.
Here are a few ideas to help your office get lit.
Turn private offices into a conference or meeting space by removing dividing walls.
Transition large interaction spaces into smaller groups of interactive areas.
Rearrange open plan workspaces into configurations that can either enhance collaboration or support focus work, depending on employee needs of the moment.

Redesigning Spaces for Returning to Work
These idea starters will help you understand how to adapt your current workplace post-pandemic and consider implications for the future.

Flexible Furniture Solutions for Returning to Work
As you prepare to return to work, these options will help you flex your space, safely and efficiently.
Light It Up!
Download our top 10 product solutions for returning to the workplace.