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1674 result(s) for

Seattle Children's Hospital 

As Seattle Children's Hospital planned to build out and create a new patient care area, its objectives included the need for maximum staff visibility while maintaining privacy.

Yakima Valley Community College 

The furnishings selected for Yakima Valley Community College’s new building fulfilled the campus’s needs and continue to delight both faculty and student users.


This layout consists of two large pods designed for teams that work individually but frequently interact and collaborate. This layout consists of two large pods designed for teams that work


Two divided areas enable collaboration: one side offers reconfigurable meet-up spots, and the other side provides touchdown booths. Collaboration is the theme of this layout. Unite divides the space

What is the Role of Universal Design in Education? 

Explore universal design principles for inclusive education spaces that cater to the needs of every student regardless of age, ability, or learning style.

Designing for the New Industrial Revolution 

Discover insights from KI's business development manager on how industrial companies are reshaping their manufacturing environments amid the new industrial revolution.

Tips for Creating Hybrid Workplaces for All Personality Types 

Explore potential hybrid work policies for your company as well as furniture solutions that can turn your office into a hybrid hub.

How Companies and Colleges Are Getting in Sync 

Discover how companies and colleges are partnering to prepare students for today's job market, equipping them with in-demand skills for success.

Setting Higher Standards for Furniture Manufacturing 

We continually improve our ability to take care of our planet and people. Discover how we do that in these highlights from our latest corporate social responsibility report.

Workplace Well-Being: 7 Core Principles and How to Achieve Them 

Based on market research, we've identified seven core principles of well-being in the workplace. To support each principle, follow these practical design insights.

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