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2 Standard Seats
W52" D22" H18"

2 Bariatric Seats
W68" D22" H18"

3 Standard Seats
W74" D22" H18"
With Arms

2 Standard Seats
W52" D22" H26"

2 Bariatric Seats
W68" D22" H26"

3 Standard Seats
W74" D22" H26"

2 Standard Seats with Swivel Tablet Arm
W60.5" D29" H29.5"
Tablet: Dia.14"
*Available Removable or Non-Removable
*AvailableLeft- or Right-Facing

2 Bariatric Seats with Swivel Tablet Arm
W76.5" D29" H29.5"
Tablet: Dia.14"
*Available Removable or Non-Removable
*Available Left- or Right-Facing

3 Standard Seats with Swivel Tablet Arm
W82.5" D29" H29.5"
Tablet: Dia.14"
*Available Removable or Non-Removable
*Available Left- or Right-Facing

2 Standard Seats with 2 Swivel Tablet Arms
W69" D29" H29.5"
Tablet: Dia.14"
*Available Removable or Non-Removable

2 Bariatric Seats with 2 Swivel Tablet Arms
W85" D29" H29.5"
Tablet: Dia.14"
*Available Removable or Non-Removable

3 Standard Seats with 2 Swivel Tablet Arms
W91" D29" H29.5"
Tablet: Dia.14"
*Available Removable or Non-Removable