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Explore Soltice Guest Chair

Create environments that are comfortable rather than clinical with the Soltíce® guest chair. Designed by Daniel Cramer and Paul James, the Soltíce guest chair has a long-lasting contemporary design.


Soltice LS Guest Recliner
Soltice LS Guest Recliner
CooperCancerCenter SolticeGuestChair
CooperCancerCenter SolticeGuestChair
GundersenHealthSystem SolticeLoungeandGuestSeating familywaitingarea
GundersenHealthSystem SolticeLoungeandGuestSeating familywaitingarea
CCHS lounge1 SolticeGuest SolticeLounge FlexTable
CCHS lounge1 SolticeGuest SolticeLounge FlexTable
EinsteinMedicalCenter Soltice ppl
EinsteinMedicalCenter Soltice ppl
EinsteinMedicalCenter Soltice Arissa ottoman
EinsteinMedicalCenter Soltice Arissa ottoman
united regional office aristotle soltice guest healthcare
united regional office aristotle soltice guest healthcare
Soltice guest closed arm
Soltice guest closed arm
Soltice guest closed arm front
Soltice guest closed arm front
Soltice guest open arm front
Soltice guest open arm front
Soltice guest open arm2
Soltice guest open arm2
Soltice guest open arm back
Soltice guest open arm back
Soltice guest closed arm back
Soltice guest closed arm back
Soltice guest armless front
Soltice guest armless front
Soltice guest armless
Soltice guest armless
Soltice guest armless back
Soltice guest armless back
Solt guest armless front
Solt guest armless front
Solt guest open arm back
Solt guest open arm back
Solt guest armless back
Solt guest armless back
Solt guest closed arm back
Solt guest closed arm back

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