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Explore Ruckus Cantilever Desks

Glide Base

Fixed Height
W30" D20" H29"

Set Screw Adjustable Height
W30" D20" H27.25–41.5"

Pneumatic Adjustable Height
W30" D20" H27.25–41.5"
Rolling Base

Fixed Height
W30" D20" H29"

Set Screw Adjustable Height
W30" D20" H27.25–41.5"

Pneumatic Adjustable Height
W30" D20" H27.25–41.5"

ADA Set Screw Adjustable Height
W36" D25" H27.25–31.25"

Book Bag Hook
*Available Left- or Right-Side

Book Basket

Swiveling Cup Holder
*Available Left- or Right-Side

Swiveling Cup Holder
and Book Bag Hook
*Available Left- or Right-Side

Swiveling Cup Holder
and Book Basket
*Available Left- or Right-Side