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Explore Passel Height-Adjustable Tables

Flawless Experience to Foster Healthy Habits
Ideal for both independent and collaborative workstations, Passel height-adjustable tables adapt to your unique needs. With quiet adjustability that seamlessly moves with you, this ergonomic solution offers an effortless sit-to-stand transition, redefining versatility and promoting healthy habits—all while remaining economically priced. The light, sleek design with optional privacy screens provides a distraction-free environment, creating a space where productivity thrives.
Key Features

A Leg Styles
B Adjustable-Height Range
C Standard or Deluxe Controls
D Privacy Screens
Product Highlights

List Price Starts At
$1,078 – $1,432
Lead Time
6* Weeks
*For an order quantity greater than 25 units, please contact customer service for lead time.
Product Warranty
7 Years