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Explore Katera Guest Chair

The built-in contours of Katera guest chair are designed to follow the curves of the human body. Its well-proportioned frame invites those of any size to sit with ease.


Katera Guest Chair and Tributaire Cafe Table
Katera Guest Chair and Tributaire Cafe Table
Katera Guest Chair, Katera Cafe Stool, and Tributaire Cafe Table
Katera Guest Chair, Katera Cafe Stool, and Tributaire Cafe Table
Katera Guest Chair, MyPlace Lounge, and Tributaire Cafe Table
Katera Guest Chair, MyPlace Lounge, and Tributaire Cafe Table
Katera thirdspace cafestool guest Athens Pillar
Katera thirdspace cafestool guest Athens Pillar
SerenadeGatheringTables ApplySeating KateraChairs AthensTables Cafe
SerenadeGatheringTables ApplySeating KateraChairs AthensTables Cafe
KateraWoodBackUphSeatArms Athens cover
KateraWoodBackUphSeatArms Athens cover
KateraUphSeatBackArms Pillar CZscreen workspace
KateraUphSeatBackArms Pillar CZscreen workspace

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