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Explore Intellect Wave Task Chair

Fresh and contemporary, Intellect Wave task chairs are built for comfort and ease in a multitude of applications.


UnivMaryland BIC comp1 Wave Pirouette
UnivMaryland BIC comp1 Wave Pirouette
Intellect Wave Task Chair, Pillar Table and Isle Power Tower
Intellect Wave Task Chair, Pillar Table and Isle Power Tower
MardelaHS comp1 WaveTask Portico Trellis
MardelaHS comp1 WaveTask Portico Trellis
StPat comp2 Wavetask InTandem
StPat comp2 Wavetask InTandem
St Anthony comp Wave InTandem
St Anthony comp Wave InTandem
Wave task tilt uph seat armless
Wave task tilt uph seat armless
Wave task L uph seat armless
Wave task L uph seat armless
Wave task L uph seat arms glides
Wave task L uph seat arms glides
Wave task L poly armless
Wave task L poly armless

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