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Explore DuraLite Folding Tables

DuraLite® folding tables withstand the toughest demands of daily use. The unique honeycomb core, aluminum framework, superior materials and innovative design result in a lightweight folding table that is strong and durable.


Cleveland Conv meeting1a Opt4 DuraLite
Cleveland Conv meeting1a Opt4 DuraLite
childrens museum 21 - DuraLite Tables, Strive High-density Stack Chairs
childrens museum 21 - DuraLite Tables, Strive High-density Stack Chairs
Ch Museum cafe Strive HD DuraLite
Ch Museum cafe Strive HD DuraLite
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Folding Table Caddy KTV-68
Folding Table Caddy KTR-9
Folding Table Caddy KTR-9
Folding Table Caddy KTH-8
Folding Table Caddy KTH-8

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