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Explore Doni Tandem Seating


One Seat
W20" H33"
Seat: W19.25" D18.75" H17"

One Seat and Inline Table
W44" H33"
Seat: W19.25" D18.75" H17"

Two Seats
W44" H33"
Seat: W19.25" D18.75" H17"

Two Seats and Inline Table
W66" H33"
Seat: W19.25" D18.75" H17"

Three Seats
W66" H33"
Seat: W19.25" D18.75" H17"

Three Seats and Inline Table
W86" H33"
Seat: W19.25" D18.75" H17"

Four Seats
W86" H33"
Seat: W19.25" D18.75" H17"

Three Seats and Two Inline Tables
W108" H33"
Seat: W19.25" D18.75" H17"

Four Seats and Inline Table
W108" H33"
Seat: W19.25" D18.75" H17"

Five Seats
W108" H33"
Seat: W19.25" D18.75" H17"
Shell Type

Solid Poly

Solid Poly with Upholstered Seat

Solid Poly with Upholstered Seat and Back

Two–Tone Poly

Two–Tone Poly with Upholstered Seat
Additional Components

Corner Table
W30" D30" H17"

Inline Table
W20" D20" H17"

Back Ganging Bar

View approved fabrics for the upholstered seat and upholstered seat and back options.