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Stout Drafting Table

Design ingenuity for creative spaces.
With modern, hands-on learning and flexible workspaces, drafting tables are no longer just for architects. This modified version of our Stout industrial table creates the ideal workstation for your architectural, engineering, or art project.
- Drafting surface tilts to 14 positions in 0 to 50° range
- Gas spring-assisted surface tilt
- Retractable pencil stop on front edge of surface
- Undersurface paper drawer and freestanding tote
storage available upon request - Pegboard, book bag hooks, power module options
- High-pressure laminate surface with 73P edge
- Steel table base with powdercoat paint finish
- Screw height-adjustable legs
- Single footrest base (dual footrest with shelf also available)
- Industrial-grade casters
- Product modification #SZ1809