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Redefine modern with Soltice Metal.
With superior attention to detail, award-winning designer Paul James has taken the incomparable durability of steel and refined it to an art form in Soltíce Metal. James' vision with Soltíce Metal was to take the established design of classic Soltíce, with its beautiful, inviting curves, and give it a fresh form. Its streamlined silhouette offers a stunning simplicity and creates a clean and contemporary aesthetic suitable for all environments.
Soltíce Metal maximizes purposeful form and function, resulting in a supportive solution for healthcare and high-performance applications. The comprehensive collection elegantly enhances space with its slim scale and universal appeal, while enabling incredible versatility in design and specification.
The Soltíce Metal Collection features lounge seating, multiple seating (including guest and bariatric chairs), patient seating and occasional tables.