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Furnishing Knowledge Podcast
Role of Furniture in Learning
Jeff Bott is the Division Head of Career and Technical Education P.E., Health, Drivers Ed, for Buffalo Grove High School. Jeff has been a dedicated high school educator for 17 years, spending his first 12 years in the classroom teaching engineering and architecture. His current role has him overseeing a number of education pathways. Jeff has led and helped develop new curriculum, the creation of a new middle school STEM education program and has overseen multiple nationally-recognized classroom remodels.
Bott recently spoke with KI's VP of education, Bryan Ballegeer, about his own education path, the innovative approach Buffalo Grove High School takes with its students and his experience with KI after being included as a Ruckus Grant Program participant. KI's Ruckus Grant Program gave a number of K-12 and higher education institutions an adaptive, human-centered learning environment. Participants agreed to a six month controlled environment that isolated furniture in hopes of gaining more insight into the role of furniture in learning spaces.
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