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Promoting a Healthier Workplace
As more and more companies embrace worker wellness, many are turning to the architectural and design communities for workspace solutions in support of a healthier workforce. Turning those sedentary office environments into spaces that can encourage healthier lifestyles is the central idea behind Active Design.
Workplace Wellness
Ninety percent of design firms say that designing with wellness in mind is standard practice these days. However, KI research showed discrepancies between how quickly Active Design is actually being implemented versus employees’ perceptions about its adoption.
Office Trends
A decade ago it was possible to estimate the breakdown of space to be on average 80/20, with 80% of space dedicated to individual work, and 20% allocated to conference and meeting rooms. That balance has shifted dramatically for many companies in recent years. Today, a 50/50 division of space or even 60/40 is common, with the greater portion of square footage now dedicated to group space.
The Hay group recently offered a study on engagement and the link to ROI by showing the bottom line benefit to a higher level of engagement. Its studies showed that high levels of employee engagement can boost revenue growth by between two and a half and four times. There was also a 54% increase in employee retention and an increase in customer satisfaction.
9 Principles of Active Design

Learn More About Active Design
Connect with your dedicated KI specialist to begin the discussion about Active Design and how you can implement it in your workplace.