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The Power of Classroom Design
At KI, we know that today's students and teachers face numerous challenges, from growing absenteeism to waning enthusiasm. Our recent K-12 research findings highlight the transformative power of classroom furniture in creating an engaging learning environment.

The Research
Our Hypothesis
After our second annual classroom giveaway, we researched a winning class of sixth-grade students before and after their classroom makeover to see how furniture impacts their learning experience.
We had three hypotheses:

The right classroom furniture can increase student and teacher engagement.

The right classroom furniture can make students excited to come to class each day.

The right classroom furniture can excite educators about coming to work and teaching.
The Results (1 of 3)
Well-Being & Engagement
The right classroom furniture can help students with different needs and learning styles feel supported and excited to learn.
The percentage of students who reported...

It's fun to study in their classroom.

They want to spend more time in their classroom.

Their individual needs are well supported (fidgeting, etc.).

Their space is beautiful.
The Results (2 of 3)
Community & Collaboration
A classroom makeover is much more than an aesthetic facelift. It's a motivator to learn and collaborate in a vibrant and inclusive environment.
The percentage of students who reported...

It's easy to show and share their work with others.

It's easy to make and build things together.

It's easy to break into groups and collaborate.

It's easy to use technology in the classroom.
The Results (3 of 3)
Comfort & Convenience
Having dedicated space to store their belongings and lots of choices for seating can help students transition into a learning mindset at the start of each day.
The percentage of students who reported...

Their seating is comfortable.

Their needs are well supported by seating and table options.

It's easy to store their coats, bags, pens, and pencils.
The Data Shows
At KI, we've always known that furniture has a tremendous impact on student and teacher engagement. Now, we have the data to prove it.
See the transformation of Mrs. Youssofi's sixth-grade classroom after winning our Classroom Furniture Giveaway.
We believe that every teacher should have the tools that empower them to excel in their profession. We're committed to supporting educators and enriching the learning experience for all students with research-driven furniture designs. And, we're incredibly pleased to offer teachers the chance to win $40,000 worth of free classroom furniture solutions with our annual giveaway.
Explore Additional Resources
Learn more about our research on the impact of furniture in the classroom.
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