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Meet the Winners of KI’s Second Classroom Furniture Giveaway

  • K-12 Education
July 24, 2024

Check out the results of our second annual Classroom Furniture Giveaway! Discover the winning designs, explore the visions behind them, and see the students' reactions to their newly transformed learning environments.


Earlier this year, KI invited teachers across the United States to create their dream classrooms as part of our second annual Classroom Furniture Giveaway.  

Educators and students know what they need to outfit their learning spaces, and when they are empowered to make those decisions themselves, the impact can be transformative. Our goal in hosting this design contest is to further demonstrate how thoughtfully designed furniture can enhance student learning, elevate teacher capabilities, and enrich the overall classroom experience. 

Four winners were selected and awarded the classroom makeover of their dreams. These educators and their students showcased creativity and vision in their design submissions, and we are excited to see how their new learning environments will positively influence their educational journeys.  

Join us as we celebrate their achievements and explore the stories behind their winning designs. 


Mrs. Ortiz Fosters Classroom Flexibility

Bethlehem Elementary School

Taylorsville, NC 

Danielle Ortiz, a fifth-grade science and social studies teacher, designed a space where kids can seamlessly switch between different activities for an immersive learning experience. 

She focused her classroom design on mobility and flexibility—featuring products like Learn2 seating, Tributaire nesting screens, and Ruckus worktables with storage—to optimize the space she needs for all her lessons.  

“I need space to meet as many different learning styles as possible and adapt to my ever-changing activities,” Ortiz said. “My dream was to have classroom furniture that was movable and could create different configurations and learning experiences.” 

Her students can feel the difference after the classroom makeover.  

“I like to work with other people a lot and the chairs have wheels, and the desks can move so you can move them around to form different group tables,” said Connor, a student in one of Mrs. Ortiz’s classes. 

Her original furniture was more than 30 years old, worn out, and uninspiring. She needed flexible, mobile, and durable furniture that enhanced instead of hindered her activity-based teaching style. 

Bethlehem Elementary School 


Ms. Wilkirson Sparks STEM Innovation

Northern Elementary School

Lexington, KY  

Ashley Wilkirson, a STEM teacher, created a space where students can feel welcome while comfortably and easily moving around the classroom to collaborate on a variety of experiments and learning activities. 

“I can already tell the difference in the environment,” Wilkirson said. “There’s a new level of calm and safety here, and that’s what I wanted in this space – to communicate and encourage high-level learning, building a class of problem-solvers while also having a space where students felt comfortable and welcome.” 

In addition, Wilkirson wanted her students to have an outlet for their energy while learning. She incorporated both Ricochet stools and the Intellect wave rocker accessory in her classroom design, which provides students with the ability to subtly wiggle and rock back and forth while learning.  

Sonrisa lounge chairs provide a welcome respite for students who need a break from group activity. Ample Ruckus storage keeps items in the classroom conveniently accessible, yet out of the way.  

The impact of the new space was not lost on her students.  

“I noticed that everybody was nice and quiet, and I felt really good when I walked in,” said Rebekah, a student in one of Wilkirson’s classes. “I’m very excited to be able to use this space; it’s just so awesome.” 

Northern Elementary School 


Mrs. Youssofi Personalizes Learning Experiences

Loma Verde Elementary

Chula Vista, CA

Teresa Youssofi, a sixth-grade teacher, aimed to create a more flexible and personalized learning environment for her English and Spanish dual immersion students. 

“With these furniture pieces, my students will get to experience a more flexible, collaborative, and active learning experience for sixth grade,” said Youssofi. 

By incorporating different seating options, Youssofi's classroom design allows students to make informed choices about what works best for them. 

The Ruckus collection provides a variety of cohesive options for the space. Ruckus worktables provide large, stool-height worksurfaces for students engaged in engineering and science projects. Ruckus post-leg desks provide flexible surface options for students looking to work independently but can also be quickly configured for small group activities.  

A set of medium-sized Ruckus whiteboards replaced Yousoffi's existing classroom activity boards which were worn out and heavily damaged. These new boards effectively enable students to collaborate on equations and other classroom activities. 

MyPlace lounge seating was paired with a Pirouette table and Ricochet stools to create a more relaxed learning space for students.  

“I feel ready to learn,” said Dayanna, a student in Youssofi's class. 

Students appreciate the new lounge furniture, the comfort of the chairs, and the variety of places where they can now choose to work. The cohesiveness of the design and the new storage options provide a sense of calm and organization which was previously lacking in the space. 

“The difference from before and after is just ... wow,” said Youssofi. “I don’t even have words.” 

Loma Verde Elementary School 


Mrs. Smith Transforms Library into Dynamic Hub

Mowrey Elementary School

Waynesboro, PA  

At KI, we understand that libraries today are much more than warehouses for books. Schools have transformed these spaces into technology-based collaboration hubs where innovation, collaboration, and community thrive. For our second Classroom Furniture Giveaway, we invited library media specialists and librarians across the country to submit designs for these interactive learning spaces beyond a traditional classroom.  

Jennifer Smith, a librarian at Mowrey Elementary School, serves nearly 600 students every week through her Library Media Center. She wanted to foster student engagement and provide an inviting, less institutionalized feel in her space, which focused on four primary learning areas. 

Imaginasium blocks and blips provide an area for younger students to build, create, and engage in imaginative play – an essential element of cognitive development.  

This space will also engage students in her school who use the library for autism support activities. Climbing, crawling, and balancing on blocks can help improve fine motor skills and provide students with a soft, safe environment where they can move, jump, and explore without risk of injury.  

In another area of the library, Sonrisa lounge furniture was used to create a comfortable nook. Here, students looking for a relaxing place to read a book can find a respite. The convenient lean-back rollers on the back of the Sonrisa lounge chairs allow students to move them more easily to their desired location. 

Smith also noted it was important to have tables in the library that accommodate the needs of each grade level. Tiered worksurfaces were created in one area of the library using Ruckus activity tables in height-adjustable and fixed-height models.  

Floor-height tables provide younger students with a way to engage and interact with each other and their materials from the floor – a learning position that feels natural to them.  

“I wanted a dynamic learning environment for my kids so they could be more comfortable,” said Smith.  

If kids are comfortable in a space, she added, it encourages critical thinking, supports better posture, and creates a motivational environment where children want to learn.  

“The new chairs make it so much more fun to read,” said Ruby, a student. “I love them.”  

Mowrey Elementary School 

Looking Ahead: 

Our Classroom Transformations Continue

Here at KI, our education team knows how impactful it can be when teachers and students lead the charge in shaping their learning environments.  

We are honored to continue providing opportunities for these transformations to teachers and students all over the country. Stay tuned: Our third installment of the KI Classroom Furniture Giveaway is launching this fall! 

Start designing your dream classroom with our free Classroom Planner tool today and subscribe for updates on the giveaway below.


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by Emily McGinnis  K-12 Education Market Manager

Emily McGinnis brings over two decades of experience in K-12 education to her role as KI’s K-12 Market Manager. She spent 21 years as a teacher and principal in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she developed expertise in leadership, teaching, and community growth. Emily holds a master’s in education from Wingate University and additional degrees in sociology, school administration, and K-12 reading specialization. Her deep understanding of learning environments and dedication to education support KI’s mission to create furniture solutions that empower students and educators alike.


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