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Increase Your Purchasing Power
KI is pleased to offer a variety of national, state and local contracts to give you greater purchasing power. We understand the importance of enabling your team with modern purchasing procedures to ensure the most competitive pricing.
By engaging with contracts and cooperative purchasing agreements, you will also reduce your team’s administrative burden. In fact, this structure is among the most efficient and economic ways to purchase furniture and provides greater opportunities for you to engage with us—at no additional cost for your team.
State/Local Contracts
In addition to national contracts and GPOs, you can purchase through state-specific contracts. Find your state in the map below to view established contracts and contact info.

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Search and sort the chart below to find the national, GPO or state contracts from which you can purchase KI furniture to maximize your investment and engage our most competitive pricing.
Contract Name | Contract Details | Contact |
Magnet Group, CO-OP | Agreement #9112 | Andy Vanstraten |
Managed Health Care Associates (MHA) | BP50497N | Andy Vanstraten |
Premier | PP-FA-2014 | Andy Vanstraten |
Sourcewell | #091423-KII | Andy Steen |
OMNIA | Region 4 #R191808/#R221003/#R221103 | Dale Halvorson |
TIPS | 230301 Furniture, Furnishings and Service | Andy Vanstraten |
TXMAS | TXMAS-22-42001 - Furniture contract | Jennifer Williams |
Alabama, State of | MA220000002810 | Tyler Scharafanow |
Arkansas, State of | Addendum TIPS #230301 | Glen Jones |
California Community Colleges, Foundation for (FCCC) |
Master Agreement No. 00007792 |
Andy Steen |
Colorado, State of |
#175280/OMNIA Region 4 #R191808 PA |
Carl Canter |
Connecticut, State of |
#15PSX0041 Freestanding Office, Lounge, Dorm & Residence |
Jacqueline McGuire |
Connecticut, State of |
Wall #15PSX0160 |
Jacqueline McGuire |
Connecticut Library Consortium | F101 | Jacqueline McGuire |
Florida, State of | #56120000-24-NY-ACS | Tom Krajewski |
Georgia, State of | 99999-SPD-G20240201-0001 | Tyler Scharafanow |
Hawaii, State of | #23-15 NASPO MA3968 | Andy Steen |
Iowa, State of | 031715-KI/#121919-KII Sourcewell | Mandi Wiltz |
Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative (IPHEC) | 1905 - Furniture Access, Installation and Related Service | Bob Stefan |
Kentucky, Commonwealth of | MA 758 2300000872 | Drew Daniel |
Louisiana, State of | #121919-KII Sourcewell | Glen Jones |
Massachusetts Higher Education Consortium (MHEC) | MC12-C07 | Jacqueline McGuire |
Minnesota, State of | 155905 (F-522(5) | Ben Crawford |
Minnesota, State of | Office F379 NASPO MA3968 | Ben Crawford |
Missouri, State of | CS202251001 | Ian Lingle |
Mississippi, State of |
#8200074915-Cafe, Dorm, Loose |
Glen Jones |
Mississippi, State of |
#8200077653 Panel Systems Delivered and Installed |
Glen Jones |
Montana, State of | NASPO MA3968 PA | Matt Arnold |
Nebraska, State of | Office 15976 OC NASPO MA3968 | Dan Atha |
North Carolina, State of | Contract #926634448-BAJ | Angel Burgess |
New Jersey, Educational Services Commission of (ESCNJ) | ESCNJ 22/23-08 Educational Services Commission of New Jersey | Matt Hopton |
New Jersey, State of | G2004 Furniture Contract | Matt Hopton |
New Mexico, State of | NASPO MA3968-PA | Brian Bromber |
New York, State of | PC-70228 | William Corbett |
Ohio, State of (STS) | Contract 800876 | Bryan Hansen |
Oklahoma, University of | #R-22000-22 - Institutional Furniture | Rodney Guinn |
Oklahoma, State of | OKSW0070 - PA CCOG - Equalis Group COG-2152K | Rodney Guinn |
South Carolina, State of | Contract 4400022833 | Angel Burgess |
South Dakota, State of |
#17531 Furniture |
Ben Crawford |
Tennessee Valley Authority | 15694 | Drew Daniel |
Utah, State of |
MA3968-PA Office NASPO |
Kevin Chesworth |
Utah, State of |
MA4708 Education |
Laura Perry |
Vermont, State of | #45243 NASPO MA3968 | Jeff Rach |
Wisconsin, State of |
505ENT-M20-OFFURNITUR-12 - Statewide Furniture |
Dan Mahlik |
Wyoming, State of | Contract #AA02KI | Carl Canter |