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Increase Your Purchasing Power

KI is pleased to offer a variety of national, state and local contracts to give you greater purchasing power. We understand the importance of enabling your team with modern purchasing procedures to ensure the most competitive pricing. 

By engaging with contracts and cooperative purchasing agreements, you will also reduce your team’s administrative burden. In fact, this structure is among the most efficient and economic ways to purchase furniture and provides greater opportunities for you to engage with us—at no additional cost for your team.

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National Contracts

Through nationally-leveraged pricing, these contracts and purchasing agreements provide aggressive product cost savings. Click each logo to learn more about our partnership with these national contracts. 

NASPO_logo.pngeligible states only


Group Purchasing Organizations

Serving healthcare providers across the country, these group purchasing organizations (GPO) can help you leverage your buying power with specially-discounted pricing.

Premier logo_300x200px.jpg

Magnet Group Logo_300x200px.jpg

MHA logo_300x200px.jpg

State/Local Contracts

In addition to national contracts and GPOs, you can purchase through state-specific contracts. Find your state in the map below to view established contracts and contact info.


Master Agreement No. 00007792
Andy Steen


Colorado, State of 
#175280/OMNIA Region 4 #R191808 PA
Carl Canter


Hawaii, State of
#23-15 NASPO MA3968
Andy Steen



Montana, State of
Matt Arnold


New Mexico

New Mexico, State of
#50-000-15-00051 Public Entities, Cities, Colleges, Schools
Brian Bromber


Utah, State of
#MA671 - Educational
#MA2166 - Architectural Wall
MA3968-PA Office NASPO
Kevin Chesworth


Wyoming, State of
Contract #AA02KI
Carl Canter

View All

Search and sort the chart below to find the national, GPO or state contracts from which you can purchase KI furniture to maximize your investment and engage our most competitive pricing.

Contract Name Contract Details Contact
Magnet Group, CO-OP Agreement #9112 Andy Vanstraten
Managed Health Care Associates (MHA) BP50497N Andy Vanstraten
Premier PP-FA-2014  Andy Vanstraten
Sourcewell #121919-KII Andy Steen
Sourcewell #091423-KII Andy Steen
OMNIA Region 4 #R191808/#R221003/#R221103 Dale Halvorson
TIPS 230301 Furniture, Furnishings and Service Andy Vanstraten
TXMAS TXMAS-22-42001 - Furniture contract Andy Vanstraten
NPP/Gov National Purchasing/LOC League of Oregon PS20145 Matt Arnold
Alabama, State of MA220000002810 Tyler Scharafanow
Arkansas, State of Addendum TIPS #230301 Glen Jones
California Community Colleges, Foundation for (FCCC)

Master Agreement No. 00007792

Andy Steen
Colorado, State of

#175280/OMNIA Region 4 #R191808 PA

Carl Canter
Connecticut, State of

#15PSX0041 Freestanding Office, Lounge, Dorm & Residence
#16PSX0190 Classroom
#16PSX0171 Systems

Jacqueline McGuire
Connecticut Library Consortium F101 Jacqueline McGuire
Florida, State of #56120000-24-NY-ACS   Tom Krajewski
Georgia, State of 99999-SPD-G20240201-0001 Tyler Scharafanow
Hawaii, State of #23-15 NASPO MA3968 Andy Steen
Iowa, State of 031715-KI/#121919-KII Sourcewell Mandi Wiltz
Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative (IPHEC) 1905 - Furniture Access, Installation and Related Service Bob Stefan
Kentucky, Commonwealth of MA 758 2300000872 Drew Daniel
Louisiana, State of #121919-KII Sourcewell Glen Jones
Massachusetts State OFF38 Jacqueline McGuire
Massachusetts Higher Education Consortium (MHEC) MC12-C07 Jacqueline McGuire
Minnesota, State of 155905 (F-522(5) Kyle Elsemore
Minnesota, State of Office F379 NASPO MA3968 Kyle Elsemore
Missouri, State of CS202251001 Ian Lingle
Mississippi, State of

#8200062909-Cafe, Dorm, Loose

Glen Jones
Montana, State of NASPO MA3968 PA Matt Arnold
Nebraska, State of Office 15976 OC NASPO MA3968 Dan Atha
North Carolina, State of Contract #201800242 STC #420A Angel Burgess
Nebraska, State of 15364OC - Wall, MA2166 Dan Mahlik
New Jersey, Educational Services Commission of (ESCNJ) ESCNJ 22/23-08 Educational Services Commission of New Jersey Matt Hopton
New Jersey, State of A81720 - Office, Lounge, Systems Matt Hopton
New Mexico, State of #50-000-15-00051 Public Entities, Cities, Colleges, Schools Brian Bromber
New York, State of  PC-70228 William Corbett
Ohio, State of (STS) Contract 800876 Bryan Hansen
Oklahoma, University of #R-22000-22 Rodney Guinn
South Carolina, State of Contract 4400022833 Angel Burgess
South Dakota, State of

#17531 Furniture

Kyle Elsemore
Tennessee Valley Authority 15694 Drew Daniel
Utah, State of

#MA671 Educational
#MA2166 Architectural Wall
MA3968-PA Office NASPO

Kevin Chesworth
Vermont, State of #45243 NASPO MA3968 Jeff Rach
Wisconsin, State of

505ENT-M20-OFFURNITUR-12 - Statewide Furniture

Dan Mahlik
Wyoming, State of Contract #AA02KI Carl Canter

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