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DeKalb County art teacher a finalist for a $40,000 classroom makeover

WSB-TV 2 Atlanta January 25, 2024

By Berndt Petersen, WSB-TV

DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. — Amy Sery says a classroom needs character.

“I am positive!” “I am positive,” she and her students said together before the start of class Thursday.

“I changed the room. Very much so. It evolves constantly,” Dr. Sery told Channel 2′s Berndt Petersen.

Dr. Sery is the Visual & Media Arts teacher at Briarlake Elementary in DeKalb County. Many of her students have very diverse learning needs. She now has a chance to help them like never before.

“My heart started beating really fast! I was surprised and very excited,” Dr. Sery said.

Dr. Sery is a finalist in a national contest to design the classroom of the future. The winner’s classroom receives a $40,000 extreme makeover, new furniture and all.

She has designed a room with her students in mind. Accessibility is key. Art supplies are all in reach and in clear containers. There is consideration for students who use wheelchairs, including her own daughter, Sophie.

“She looked beyond herself and looked at all of the needs of ‘all’ of our students,” Principal Camille Jones said.

“It’s going to be a very special space,” Dr. Sery said. She says it needs to be accessible, functional, and cool.

“All of those things! It is going to be amazing! It will be the most amazing art room!”

To help Dr. Sery and Briarlake Elementary win, you can go online and vote. Check out the classroom video Dr. Sery created here.

Vote for Dr. Sery’s Visual & Media Arts Classroom | KI Classroom Furniture Giveaway 

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