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Aesthetic Excellence Meets High Performance

Our new Graded Laminates Program fuses aesthetic flexibility with unparalleled durability and high performance. With nearly 70 options, laminates are categorized into three unique grades featuring design depth for enhanced product appeal.

Grade 1

Grade 1

Smooth or subtly textured, these wide-ranging options include solid, linen, zephyr, metallic, woodgrain, and abstract designs in diverse colors.

Grade 2

Grade 2

From white markerboard to marble veins to dimensional woodgrains, these enhanced laminates offer great visual interest and tactile appeal.

Grade 3

Grade 3

Featuring ultra matte, soft touch solid velvets and aligned walnut woodgrains with the textural feel of natural wood, these options offer the ultimate sophistication.

Now Available on All Product Categories

From seating with tablet arms to desks and tables, you can seamlessly coordinate materials for a cohesive, high-performing space.

View Product Approvals

Some products are not available with graded laminates. Contact your KI sales representative for more details.

Benefits of Graded Laminates

Enhanced Aesthetics

Graded laminates introduce a world of design versatility, enabling you to create refined and tailored environments. Whether you're designing for educational institutions, offices, healthcare environments, or government facilities, our laminates offer the perfect aesthetic solution with a variety of grains and textures, including wood, stone, metallic, and solid colors. Each finish, whether matte, gloss, or textured, ensures a visually appealing and functional workspace.

Increased Product Appeal

Our expanded selection of laminates caters to a broader range of tastes and preferences, enhancing the design depth and visual appeal of your furniture selections. With nuanced detail in laminate woodgrain and texture, designers can craft workspaces that are not only beautiful but also highly functional and long-lasting. This versatility ensures that your designs will meet the unique needs of any project.

Durable Performance

Ideal for high-traffic areas and environments requiring durable performance, our graded laminates are built to last. They offer exceptional resilience against scratches and scuffs, ensuring your spaces remain pristine. These practical yet critical benefits guarantee long-lasting performance, making our new laminate options a smart investment for any setting.

Graded Laminates

Diverse colors, textures, and sheens in three laminate categories feature a perfect blend of visual appeal and functional longevity.


Grade 1

Fine Velvet Texture

38  |  Fine Velvet Texture

A smooth-textured finish with moderate reflective value.

Matte Texture

60  |  Matte

A subtle-textured finish with a moderate reflective quality.

38 | Fine Velvet Texture
Biltmore Cherry LBT
Brighton Walnut LBW
Castle Oak LCO
Casual Linen LCU
Classic Linen LCI
Cocobala LCC
Flax Linen LXF
Florence Walnut LFC
High Rise LHE
Italian Silver Ash LIT
Monticello Maple LMT
Pinnacle Walnut LPW
Pressed Linen LPR
River Cherry LRY
Sterling Ash LAZ
Tailored Linen LTL
Windsor Mahogany LWY
60 | Matte
Beigewood LBZ
Belair LBQ
Black LBK
Canyon Zephyr LCA
Cherry Storm LCX
Cloud Zephyr LCL
Crisp Linen LRI
Desert Zephyr LDZ
Designer White LDR
Dove Grey LDG
Forged Steel LOL
Friston Ash  LFH
Frosty White LFW
Graphite Nebula LGN
Grey LGE
Hollyberry LHY
Island LID
Kensington Maple LKM
Lapis Blue LLB
Misted Zephyr LMR
North Sea LNA
Ocean LON
Shadow Zephyr LSR
Silicon Evolv LSV
Titanium Evolv LTV
White Nebula LWL
White Sand LWN


Grade 2

Timbergrain Texture

05  |  Timbergrain

A low-sheen wood finish with a dimensional, realistic ticking and natural variation across the surface texture, much like a natural veneer.

Textured Gloss Texture

07  |  Textured Gloss

A fine textured surface with a sheen level indicative of a waxed wood, polished stone, or other moderately reflective materials.

Fieldstone Texture

15  |  Fieldstone

A matte finish with a mixture of low sheen, stone-like textural attributes layered below fine, irregular veins and features a higher sheen, creating natural contrast with dimensional organic detail.

Casual Rustic Texture

16  |  Casual Rustic

A woodgrain texture with a blend of grain variations ranging from linear to subtle movement with random, irregular features. The overall low gloss surface is accented with higher sheen woodgrain ticking and random highlights.

Ridgewood Texture

79  |  Ridgewood

An overall matte finish with ridged dimensional features creating a linear woodgrain effect.

Gloss Texture

90  |  Gloss

A high gloss texture providing maximum smoothness and reflectiveness used as Dry-Erase Markerboard.

05 | Timbergrain
Akira LAK
07 | Textured Gloss
Black Alicante LBY
Calcutta Marble LCQ
15 | Fieldstone
Ice Mist LIM
16 | Casual Rustic
Fawn Cypress LFQ
79 | Ridgewood
Black Hills Oak LBH #79 Ridgewood
Dering Forest LDF #79 Ridgewood
Valley Forge Elm LVF #79 Ridgewood
White River Forest LWR #79 Ridgewood
90 | Gloss
White Markerboard LMK

Grade 3

Ultra Matte Texture

31  |  Ultra Matte

Ultra matte, soft touch texture.

Aligned Walnut Texture

67  |  Aligned Walnut

A modern, elevated matte finish with a walnut woodgrain design featuring sophisticated aligned textures to create the natural dimension and feel of real wood. Authentic realism.

31 | Ultra Matte
Black Velvet LBV
Designer White Velvet LDE
Nile Velvet LNL
Spruce Velvet LSC
67 | Aligned Walnut
Cumberland Walnut LCJ
Hartley Walnut LHW
Raleigh Walnut LRW
Solano Walnut LSG

Request Finish Samples

To request a graded laminate finish card or physical sample chips, please complete the following form.

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